Сreate ringtone for iPhone online

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Create a ringtone for iPhone online.

UPD: Please use our new online ringtone editor.

I am sure that every iPhone user at least once faced the problem of creating a ringtone. The thing is that this device requires a special format of the track to be set as a ringtone. This track cannot be longer than 40 seconds and should be saved in m4r format.

You can make such track directly on the iPhone using the software for creating ringtones, or on your computer using music editors. But the easiest way to do it is to use this online ringtone maker. It allows you to create your own unique ringtone that can be installed on any Apple device.

With this free web application, you can create cool ringtones for iPhone. Simply follow the instructions below and you will have your new track in two minutes.

Step 1. Upload a song into the application. Take the file from which you want to cut out the track, and drag it directly into an application. Or select it on your computer using the blue button "Open".

Step 2. Install the green markers to indicate the necessary part of the track. You can listen to the selected area using the playback buttons located under the music box ("Beginning", "Stop" and "Play").

Step 3. Click "Next". After that, the selected fragment will be automatically converted into iPhone format m4r.

Step 4. Listen to the track and download it. When the preview window opens, you can play the new iPhone ringtone and check if everything is OK. The track can be downloaded to your computer with the help of the green button "Download".